common questions

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  • common questions
?What are the stages of work, agreement, and project completion
  • 1- We ask the customer first to know the project details 2- Then we submit a price offer with the value and the time period for implementation 3- After the customer agrees to the price offer, a contract is prepared with clauses that preserve the right of both parties, to which the project analysis is attached 4- An advance payment is collected before the start of the project and according to the method of agreement with the client 5- Then a design is prepared in case the project is an application for the client to review it and make any comments or baptism 6- After the client is baptized, the work team (developers) begins to start programming 7- A trial version is released for the customer to review and comment on any observations or baptisms 8- The system will be raised after the client is approved, handed over and trained in use.
?Do you have an office in Saudi Arabia
  • Our only head office is currently in Jeddah
?What are the benefits that you offer after signing up
  • We care about you and support your continuity with us, We provide support service free of charge for a period of six months after receiving the project, We provide hosting service for six months free of charge, We make your own logo for free if desired. We create a domain for your project for free if desired. We install a free SSL certificate for the first year,
?Do you provide services to people who reside outside the city of Jeddah or Saudi Arabia
  • We do not have any obstacles to implement any request for all customers inside and outside Saudi Arabia, and we have customers in all Arab countries We provide all services without any problems and all customers apply the same standards and guarantees.

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